

Video: Satya Nadella, Microsoft’s new CEO, Mobile and Cloud first, ruthlessly removing obstacles to innovation

| February 5, 2014 | 4 Replies


Nokia’s D&S should gain even more prominence under the new CEO, Satya Nadella who wants to make Microsoft Mobile and Cloud FIRST.

Here’s a video interview with Micrososft’s new CEO. What kind of character is he like? Bill, Ballmer and even Elop were quite prominent personalities.


  • Ruthlessly remove obstacles that allow MS to innovate
  • Focus that innovation on things Microsoft can uniquely do (could be interpreted like, MS will stick to what they’re good at vs attempting to innovate?)
  • Find more meaning at work

Mobile first and cloud first as everything becomes digital. Microsoft will push what they can uniquely bring. Their heritage. From being the productive company to being the ‘do more’ company so everyone can get more out of every moment of their lives.

With the talent MS has, Nadella reckons they have the best platform to change the world.


Category: Nokia

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