

Gallery: The cute little Nokia Asha 230 – most affordable Asha touch!

| February 24, 2014 | 7 Replies

MNBIMG_3742Asha 230

At around around 45 EUR/ 59 USD, the Nokia Asha 230 is Nokia’s most affordable Asha touch handset. What’s more is that it is shipping immediately.

2.8″ QVGA sounds impossibly small for me but I’ve got huge 1520-hugging-hands. It actually looks pretty cute, like a little baby smartphone. Perfect secondary phone.

MNBIMG_3743Asha 230 MNBIMG_3746Asha 230 MNBIMG_3747Asha 230 MNBIMG_3748Asha 230


MNBIMG_3744Asha 230 MNBIMG_3745Asha 230


Category: Asha, Nokia

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