

Finns Love Lumia! 1 million Nokia Lumia in Finland, population 5 million Finns!

| March 1, 2014 | 27 Replies

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Considering that there are only 5 million Finnish people in the whole of Finland, it’s quite remarkable to consider that there are now 1 million Nokia Lumia handsets in the country.

It shouldn’t be a surprise anymore to see them so frequently on the streets.

Finland maybe the home of Nokia, or at least the Nokia we knew. But the Finnish people were not averse to going for other products, hence how Nokia lost its grip even in Finland towards 2008 – 2011. When Nokia Lumia was introduced, we saw Nokia grabbing back the homeland.

It’s part and parcel of why there was some sadness in this whole Nokia MS deal. Things did look like they were on the up. But not to repeat the whole story over, what’s done is done. The story still isn’t totally clear on the whole branding side. Hopefully there’s still time for a change and perhaps we can at least have the brand live on instead of just the spirit of the Nokians and the Finns working at the Nokia D&S at MS.

Source: esphoneblog

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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