

Nokia CTO: New Nokia building advanced technologies with partners, license huge patent portfolio (Samsung PureView :p)

| March 2, 2014 | 40 Replies

Nokia+logo,+Helsinki,+Finland+87570Henri Tirri, Nokia CTO says that the ‘new’ Nokia (after D&S is gone) will capitalise on innovations in sensors, materials and cloud.

Nokia has a huge and rich patent portfolio. Not only will licensing deals be made but also advanced R&D with partners too. The once dominant Finnish mobile giant will reinvent itself in the Internet of Things. So much of what is around is is connected to the cloud. BT LE and other wearable sensors can be used for health and wellness, particularly graphene which Nokia is a founder of the EU Graphene programme.

When asked about building new products, Nokia expects to be building new Advanced technologies with their partners akin to how Qualcomm or ARM. Nokia has their own technology which they have NOT broadly licensed to differentiate their own products. But as Nokia divests its business, they could perhaps license their imaging technologies to other manufacturers (Samsung with PureView?).

What will be gotten rid of? Perhaps things related to mobile phone UI but Tirri says they’ll have to look into that more once the transaction closes.

The interviewer says that Nokia’s R&D did not help it against iPhone. Tirri says it’s not a question of R&D but the platform. They took steps to address this platform issue (Symbian/Maemo/MeeGo) with Windows Phone and these steps have been ‘well documented’.

Nokia’s Advanced Technologies will itself be its own business which the Technology licensing will be intertwined (as opposed to being separate entities).

Source: TechnologyReview

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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