

Absorbing the entire internet: TheVerge Reveals Cortana, WP8’s Voice Assistant

| March 3, 2014 | 2 Replies

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Whilst WP has had voice controls for a while and WP8 did slightly improve on them, project Cortana is bringing with it a huge overhaul to the voice control’s usability. Tom Warren has leaked some info now and again and now shows us some more. First what Cortana looks like above and the settings page below. Note how indeed, it is currently called “Cortana” but that may still change.

I like that Cortana can address you either by name or several nicknames so it helps to not appear stale. A feature noted before called notebook allows Cortana to access info on location data, behaviour, personal info, reminders and contact info. Cortana can also get info such as flight tracking and mentions in emails (allowing you to make appointments) that would allow it to generate notifications similar to Google Now.
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Source: TheVerge

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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