

Supposed Tinier keyboard for WP8.1 shows more screen?

| March 6, 2014 | 6 Replies

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I don’t know about you but on the larger screened Nokia Lumia 1520, I am enjoying that larger keyboard for texting. It makes me wonder how on earth I typed so efficiently on the 3.7″ 800 (though comparing to the 3.5″ N8 did help).

As seen above the keyboard appears much smaller. The screenshot above doesn’t really help unless it was attempting to show the virtual screen keys (the screenshot below show they’re static physical keys). But even so, you can see the whole ‘new’ keyboard takes up as much space as two rows.

The landscape format would also be interesting to see since WP has an ‘interesting’ way of not taking up the full width.

Not quite sure what those text boxes above are. They seem to be ‘spell checking’ a part of a document.

WP has mentioned they’d be increasing in size beyond 6″.  Could this work on smaller screens?

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Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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