

Video: Microsoft Camera on WP8.1, with hints of Nokia Camera – not a patch on Nokia Camera UI. Cortana Tile spotted.

| March 13, 2014 | 0 Comments

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Seen in the video below is Microsoft’s attempt at updating their camera application. Named Microsoft Camera, it takes some influences from Nokia Camera but still appears clunky what with so many settings buried in menus. However…it does give you the option to select what additional settings go in the viewfinder. Note that there are some more buttons on the left hand side, kinda like the camera UI update we wanted to see in the N8. Since MS do not own Nokia yet, they can’t really bake in Nokia Camera.

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Given how much praise Nokia Camera received, being touted by reviewers as one of if not the best UI for camera phones, let’s hope MS lets the Nokia team improve upon Nokia Camera further as opposed to getting dragged down by MS Camera. Perhaps for more basic entry level WP8 devices this might be ok.

It appears there may either be the Smart Mode present but that could just be multi shot as shown below.

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Yash Maheshwari of UnleashThePhones

Via Reddit

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As a bonus. Check out the Cortana tile.

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Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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