

Nokia Cyan, Imaging and Camera improvements: faster camera saving, new camera roll, and more

| April 9, 2014 | 0 Comments

Nokia Purity HD Monster Cyan(27)

The latest Nokia update built on top of WP8.1, Nokia Cyan is said to bring in some nice new features yet again for Nokia Lumia users.


  •  updated camera sensitivity,
  • noise reduction algorithm improvements
  • color management – less yellow tones?
  • Faster saving. How? The two images will no longer be saved (but which one will?).
  • New look for the camera roll. Hopefully at least reorganizing the stupid way that MS puts the oldest photos first should you pin the camera roll thereby leaving you to swipe till your fingers are calloused.
  • From the camera roll, easier edits.
  • Smart shots, cinemagraph and refocus can all be seen there too. Hopefully things like refocus can work in that gallery and not have to open up smartshot.
  • Nokia Creative Studio completely overhauled with new features.
  • Edit photos on the fly and make the most of 5 new filters (filters over the viewfinder like old symbian?)
  • Nokia Story teller with slideshow feature to share via FB/Twitter


Cheers Alvester for the tip


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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