

Joe Belfiore: WP 8.1 dev preview coming next week :D

| April 10, 2014 | 9 Replies

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If you don’t want to wait until summer for the WP8.1 Nokia Cyan official release (Summer 2015? :p) you can go get a Dev account and get the Dev Preview which is available next week as tweeted by Joe B.

This is an officially supported programme, kinda to bypass the networks that make things even slower.

You can still later upgrade to the official Nokia Cyan when that is available.

Getting the preview (instructions via WPC):

  1. Sign up link is here (no charge): Just sign in with any account. I signed in with the MS one.
  2. Get the app qrcode.21571936
  3. Open the app and sign in with the same account from 1.

Note: There is a warning at the start that this could potentially invalidate warranty if it’s against the network policy so just make sure you check the deal on that.

It’s so simple, even I can do it.

When Belfiore gives the second signal about the update’s availability, go to Settings>Phone update and download.

Exciting stuff! Now this is WP8.1 without the added Nokia Cyan stuff.

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via Reddit


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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