

Nokia Lumia 1520 gets Dolby Surround Sound and Miracast (ICON too)

| April 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

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NokConv have shared some more news for Nokia Lumia fans.

The Quad microphone enabled Nokia Lumia 1520 (and ICON) like the 930 are all to get Dolby Digital Surround Sound recording!

This was hinted at quite a lot, but now it is confirmed. Though it seems an older post confirmed this all along.

Finally, Nokia Lumia 1520 and ICON also get Miracast support so you can share your screen on a TV.

Reddit says the likes of the 92x and 1020 have the hardware for Miracast so they’re not quite sure why it’s not getting it. Perhaps in the future?


Source: NokConv

Via: Reddit


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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