

Nokia MixRadio presents Priyanka Chopra

| May 13, 2014 | Reply

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Actress/musician and ever lovely brand ambassador at Nokia, Priyanka Chopra speaks about Nokia Mix Radio and its benefits to Lumia, Asha and Nokia X users.

Click on to find out how to win a Nokia Lumia 1020 signed by Priyanka!

Interestingly, Priyanka promotes the creation of playlists  – how it tells a lot about the person. Here’s her playlist if you’re interested.

You can kind of make a playlist based on three artists but I don’t think it’s yet possible for everyday consumers to have one. I think Dean tweeted about having us make one too but unfortunately, what with exams, I haven’t been able to get on top of things. But the current batch of exams are done with for a few weeks so I can get back to the blogging scene again :D.


Category: Nokia

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