

WP8.1 Dev Preview updated to 8.10.12393.890

| June 2, 2014 | 6 Replies

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This is the second update pushed out to the Dev Preview for WP8.1, v8.10.12393.890.

Go to settings>update if your phone hasn’t automatically downloaded it.

The only change noticed so far seems to be the boot logo. According to commenters at WPC, quiet hours is now global and not a Cortana thing (thus requiring US region to get Cortana).

Nice timing perhaps, since Today was iOS 8 day.

I much prefer this steady stream of small updates rather than waiting endlessly. I guess for the end consumer they might not want to update so frequently and the features become less of a talking point. Although if an OS takes too long to come out with a feature, that also frustrates users.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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