

Gadget show on the Nokia Lumia 630 – iPhone 5C on a budget? Looks the business, performs really well.

| June 11, 2014 | 0 Comments

Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 09.52.52Here’s a review from the Gadget Show on the entry level yet performance beating Nokia Lumia 630, which again is oddly described pretty much as an iPhone 5C on a budget both in terms of designs and colour (let’s not forget who started this first, huh?).

They find it to be a well rounded phone that looks the business and performs extremely well. It doesn’t quite score the top 5G rating like the original Nokia lumia 620 did. Remember that the 620 blew them away, enough to be called the best budget smartphone. The 630 is beefier with a bigger display and possibly a more refined design but 2014 has slightly more expectations (such as the screen) as competitors are also beginning to push the lower end too.

Source: Gadget Show

Cheers Ian for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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