

Zeiss and Lumia, from Nokia to Microsoft: Significantly thinner camera modules in the future

| September 26, 2014 | 6 Replies

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Conversations recent piece discusses the partnership between the Microsoft and ZEISS, from the history with Nokia all the way to the future with Lumia.

Zeiss saw where cameras in mobile where headed and wanted to have phones that could demonstrate how ZEISS’ optics could make a difference. After researching which company would best suit them, they partnered with Nokia as far being the best fit.

The persistent challenge is said to be thickness of the camera module as it affects thickness of devices. As we’ve seen recently, going really slim (especially with malleable materials) might be a recipe for bent phones.

Zeiss would like to see modules that are even thinner. For reasonable image qualities, they say that about 5-6mm is a probably limit. There are some new technologies upcoming that are said to be “promising” enabling the creation of significantly thinner camera modules some time in the future.

Source: Conversations

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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