

Nokia Bend Test tops Reddit

| September 29, 2014 | 3 Replies

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Despite Nokia not in the mobile business directly with phones anymore, they’ve made their mark in history with the 3310 as the pinnacle of the quality of robustness and strength.

We posted this video previously, but now as a .gif and an added segment, it has made its way to the number one spot on reddit.

The comments are full of nostalgia. Heart warming and sad at the same time.

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Should Nokia ever come back to the phone business, they should emerge with a super durable but modern Nokia 3310. Especially with Microsoft taking Nokia out of Lumia, just go back to 3310 but have that as your super device (like iPhone).

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The 3310 was one of Nokia’s stars but it was a ‘regular phone’. Nokia made super durable ones designed to be smacked with a gold club, drowned, etc. Imagine they put that into a package that looked sleek and performed as a modern device. Even if it’s just for LOLs, having a phone that I don’t need to worry about when it drops would be amazing (and of course, having a new one that says Nokia would be deeply satisfying).

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It’s nice to know that particularly for some Nokia Lumias at least, that has held true for them.

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Via: Reddit



Category: Nokia

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