

5.7″ Lumia Phablet on the way. 1520 successor? 1020 bridge? Something else? (with Nokia mix)

| November 27, 2014 | 13 Comments

Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 13.38.16AdDuplex’s Alan Mendelevich has discovered 3 new Microsoft Lumia devices. We’re also told that the Nokia brand may still be present in that bunch. Perhaps a remnant prior to the Nokia name cull and switch to Microsoft.

If done right, a 5.7″ device could sit quite nicely with consumers. Small enough bezel, thin enough frame, but powerful internals.

Conversely this could yet be another attempt of pushing the ‘Affordable Flagship’ market. Remember, a potential 1320 successor was once pictured…it could be that (albeit smaller version).

At 5.7″, it might be too big to be the successor for the 1020 – especially if we’re expecting it to match the camera prowess.

Another device is found at 4″, with a third sitting somewhere in between.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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