

Large camera hump for Silvery Nokia Lumia 1020 successor? Microsoft Mobile RM-1052 camera flagship?

| November 30, 2014 | 23 Comments

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It looks like an interesting mix of the old Nokia Lumia 1020 and 830 but seemingly LED only. According to the listing, it has either been sold or is no longer available.

There seems to be spaces above the smaller looking camera where the Xenon would usually be placed.


Like the 1020, there’s a huge circular hump, but like the 830, it’s a flat plastic/glass approach rather than the aluminium circular plate in the 1020.


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I can’t speak Chinese but this image seems to suggest the specifications

  • 1080p display
  • WP 8.10.14090.0
  • Quadcore
  • On screen buttons?

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The two tone nature of the top reminds me of the Nokia N8 (silver was one of the popular colours).Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 12.35.30

It looks quite slim from the side view.Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 12.35.35 Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 12.35.40

Source: Tobao

Via: GOG via: Reddit



Category: Lumia

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