

Nokia Z Launcher updates to v1.1.3Beta

| January 31, 2015 | 1 Reply

PicsPlay_1422688769711An update for Z Launcher was pushed to my Note today.  V1.1.3beta.

There’s afew more features,refinements and whatnot.


Version  1.1.3-Beta

– Preliminary support for icon packs

– Long press on text – you can uninstall or hide app app from the ranked list, in addition to existing long-press behavior such as long-pressing the icon to drag it to the favorites bar

– UI improvements for a wide range of Android devices

– Improved design and performance of carousel widgets

Improved Scribble handwriting recognition

– Play store icon will load Play store without pre-searched text (We heard you on this one!)

– Bug fixes


Category: Nokia

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