

Cortana on Android and iOS – lack of exclusivity on windows, good or bad?

| March 15, 2015 | 23 Replies

CortanaThis topic had been specifically discussed a few times already when the notion that Cortana might be heading outside of the Windows Phone platform. Some welcomed this as simply being on Xbox and PC but others thought it was a sign to go cross platform.

As a cloud first and mobile first company, Microsoft seems to be looking outside of their own OS. For some time, users on windowsphone shared their frustration over either exclusives disappearing, or Microsoft’s own apps appearing on competing platforms before their own. It seems their exclusives were never enough to push people to the phone side of Windows and perhaps they fear eventually the same might happen for Windows itself?

Now Reuters reports that Cortana is heading to Android and iOS.

As a user of all three main OSes, I know how awesome Cortana is (when there is internet) and how I prefer her over Siri and Google Now. Cortana on more devices also means better reach for Microsoft’s Bing (that also powers Siri)and even more improvements to Cortana herself.


Category: Windows Phone

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