

Windows 10 for small tablets – the Windows Galaxy Note/Nokia N800? #Phablet

| April 15, 2015 | Reply

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Day by day, Windows 10 on phones is looking better and better. WinBeta has shared some screenshots of Windows10 for small tablets and it looks a lot like Windows 10 on phones but with a bit extra on the side.

It instantly gave me the feeling of realising the potential of something like the Galaxy Note series and the first time I clapped eyes on the Nokia N800. The whole small portable tablet that was kinda still phone like but had that feeling of being a computer too. Now whilst the Note 4 after using it for several months is in conclusion ‘a good smartphone with a bag of empty promises and a sack of frustration’ Windows 10 on the smaller tablet looks more like what I’d hope to see eventually in Windows 10 for phablet phones.

It’s about wisely using the extra real estate. Not simply being bigger, but being able to wisely do more. Now these aren’t the best examples about using up the extra space but in some screenshots I saw potential of where Microsoft could take it.
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No doubt we’d see smaller tablets with stylus support. Great for writing but also doing finer controls. Yes you should also still be able to just use your finger but the option is nice. The Note’s stylus is great – a lot of unused potential.

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These are apparently from March so more perhaps. I’m liking the clean consistent nature of the design. I’d like to see more optimisations for phablet/small tablet mode.

I could see myself using a slim 6-7″ phablet that does all the things Windows 10 can do on a slightly more optimised smaller screen, along with stylus support for when needed. When I get home, either connect by cable to a display for larger Windows 10 experience or wirelessly to a TV. Big Windows tablet version is looking much better too – let’s hope more of these improved experiences trickles to smaller tablets and of course, phones.

Source: WinBeta via TheVerge

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Windows, Windows Phone

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