

Lumia 435 for Pay and Go – £9.99 (upgrade) or £24.99

| April 18, 2015 | 2 Comments

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Over at a UK deal website the Lumia 435 was very popular for being set at £9.99 pay as you go over an upgrade. To be eligible, you just need to have a SIM that’s been active for at least 6 months. Otherwise you can buy it outright for £24.99 plus a £20 top up which is yours to use.

Considering the value of HERE and the free offline music MixRadio as well as the known snappy performance (consistent across the lumia range) even at the 4xx level this is quite a good either first time basic smartphone or back up handset. When priced initially at £90 folks said it was quite a good device already, but at this price it’s well worth it perhaps. At 4″ it’s the smaller side of current smartphones, very pocket friendly (odd to say as I just had a flashback of a 4.1″ phone from yesteryear that was considered humongous)


Category: Lumia

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