

‘Google Cardboard’ for Lumia with InMind VR

| July 6, 2015 | Reply


If you’ve ever tried Google Cardboard, it’s surprisingly amusing and immersive for what it is. The contraption (usually cardboard but you can get fancier ones) hold the phone close to your face and a lens for each eye magnifies a center portion of a halved screen which when combined with the device sensors creates some quite convincing simulated environments and depths.

I think it was only just May this year that iOS got a taste of the G Cardboard. That means a Windows version could take even longer.

In the mean time, you can try InMind. I’m not sure if, as a cardboard viewer, you can somehow download the other cardboard apps.


For the Microsofties, they might be saying HoloLens is where things are at. But I think it’ll be much harder to replicate that sort of experience with a phone.

Via: Conversations


Category: Windows Phone

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