

Nokia C1 Android phone render

| September 6, 2015 | 12 Comments

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This is supposed to be what the Nokia C1 might look like. Nokia’s first dedicated Android device post Microsoft hoo-haa.

It’s a lot like the Nokia N1 which of course was mentioned to look like iPhone.

It’s certainly a lot better than the supposed leaked Lumias. Hurray to no MS logo at the back as that was a bit much but it’s really not developing on the design front. Pics below via @evleaks?Screen Shot 2015-09-05 at 19.54.49

Seriously? It’s all a bit chunky and utilitarian now. But often leaked images (even live blurry cams) might not do the real thing justice.Screen Shot 2015-09-05 at 19.55.01

Back to the C1 – the specs seem to be not at all that exciting. When the N1 arrived, it rivalled the iPad mini within a high end frame, but had a much lower price listing. Supposedly this might have a 5″ 720p display with an intel chip and 2GB RAM. Depends on the asking price I guess.


Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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