

Android Nougat 7.1 on Nokia Lumia 520?

| December 14, 2016 | 2 Comments


In the video below, supposedly it’s a Nokia Lumia 520 which somehow has Android Nougat 7.1.

Whether it’s real or not, and whether it can be replicated by other users is one thing. It looks good.  The only thing that annoys me is this persistence recently on a ridiculously wasteful ‘card’ system of multitasking when screens are big enough to make a more useful grid (e.g. N9/N900/Windows 10/Android on certain custom UI).

If this is possible, it could breathe new life into what otherwise appears to be the world’s most dead mobile operating system after Symbian. Dual boot might be nice options in 2017 phones that’ll have Android and potentially full Windows.


Source: nguyen thinh

Via: SoftPedia  |   Reddit



Category: Android, Nokia

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