Video: Qt Quick/QML MultiLayer Parallax Desktop UI on MeeGo
Remember the “bubbles” UI on MeeGo where (amongst many things) items on the desktop can be moved in foreground or to the background?
Here’s something that goes a little further in that it adds layers of desktops on the panoramic desktop. All are visible on top of each other. Apparently this was all done in a couple of weeks. Cheers Jim for the heads up!
Check out the video to see the app launcher and task switcher
We have started to new demo concept called Multilayer Parallax Desktop. In this video you can see the first version which our developers have built less than in two weeks with Qt Quick/QML.
The idea is to have several layers on top of desktop and you can navigate between layers.
Each layer can contain desktop widgets so for example you can use layers to categorize similar kind of widgets to the same layer, if you want.
Parallax Layer Desktop also provides an application menu for opening apps and a task switcher which you can use for switching between running apps or for closing apps.
We run the demo on the video on MeeGo netbook.
Category: MeeGo
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