

Video: Qt Quick (QML) Facebook (and Twitter) clients

| February 3, 2011 | 4 Replies

Jim found this video from October last year of a Qt Facebook App. It was a small proof of concept facebook client written using Qt Quick (QML) and apparently was just done in a few hours – their mission was just to get used to QML (the topic could have been anything, it just happened to be facebook).

Now what with the facebook app experience on Nokia devices being dead poor (not happy with you Social App. My 1.3 update failed and now every time I choose to update it says, “your service has been updated” despite being 1.2. What’s WRONG with this darn app?!?! ) the fluidity of this came as such a surprise. The only facebook experience on a Nokia I’ve ever been happy with was through the N900’s browser. That was RAW facebook like your desktop. But for one reason or another, this didn’t translate ever onto an application.

I don’t know what ever happened to this app but given this was from early October, the fluidity of it was already leaps and bounds over the S^3 facebook app. Scrolling and rotation is very smooth, and opening up comments is very quick. I’m not so sure however about other “critical” facebook features, but this already has good grounding in good looking basics.

The video below is running on a PC, the one after it on a N900

Oh, just before publishing this I noticed Jim has also included a Qt Quick QML example twitter client from Nokia. It’s the third video in this post. Early, basic days but looking good. Qt Quick QML FTW. You can grab the QML twitter client here.

ON n900


Twitter QML. Remember, Tommi Laukkanen is also working on a really good looking Qt Quick QML twitter client. Can’t wait for all these Qt Apps!

Oh – Happy Chinese new year folks! It’s the year of the Rabbit! Hurrah! Any rabbit readers :P.


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Category: Maemo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]