

Freeee Nokia Windows Phones for WP developers!

| October 11, 2011 | 4 Replies

WPCentral reports that Nokia are dishing out free Nokia Windows Phones to Windows Phone developers. This was announced yesterday at a training event. But these Nokia WP aren’t coming out now of course. These devs will also have to wait until it is launched. October 26.


You can see AAS chief Rafe confirming the details. Some other tweets below from WP devs.  Microsoft do have their own official programmes on getting devices out to developers – whether developers on other platforms, or budding developers just starting out.

I totally agree with giving away products for this purpose. They’re a great way of getting your product in the limelight (these don’t have to be devs, they can be online personalities), and more importantly now, as a tool for creating applications for your ecosystem. Nokia has also been very helpful in providing devs devices, be it some S^3 handsets given away free, or more recently, the N950 for MeeGo Harmattan development.

Cheers  Just Visiting for the tip!




Category: Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

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