

Nokia World 2011 Today!

| October 26, 2011 | 16 Replies

I’m cautiously updating the website. It has been pretty terrible, touch and go.

Thanks for everyone who was offering help. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to answer your messages. My internet died at the IMAX.

I’m praying to God DreamHost will be ok enough for at least some of our regular readers. Deepest apologies that we were down for most of yesterday. I was rather distraught of the possibility of not being able to connect the Nokia World news with you guys. Somehow it’s back, Stefanos also optimised supercache (as the last count it stopped working).

Anyway will take a break for now, see if this post will get through to you guys. Will update with other posts shortly.

Day 1 Agenda:


Opening keynote

Stephen Elop, President and CEO, Nokia

10.30 – 17.30

Explore the Experience

10.45 – 12.00

Get to know the latest mobile products

Speakers’ Corners 1 & 2
Option 1: 10.45-11.15
Option 2: 11.30-12.00

12.45 – 16.45

Speakers’ corners

Real conversations


Opening by moderator

Ilari Nurmi, Vice President, Product Marketing, Smart Devices, Nokia


What is life-enhancing? The balance between technology and user experience

Moderated Q&A with
Jo Harlow, Executive Vice President, Smart Devices, Nokia, and
Noel Lee, CEO, Monster



Guest Speaker
Building a different kind of UI

Joe Belfiore, Corporate Vice President, Windows Phone Program, Microsoft



Panel discussion 1
Designing smarter phones

Moderated Q&A with
Marko Ahtisaari, Senior Vice President, Design, Nokia
Albert Shum, Director of Mobile Experience Design, Microsoft



Panel discussion 2
Just Play! – changing the way we discover and enjoy music

Moderator: Ralph Simon, Chief Executive Office, Mobilium International
Adrian Pope, Managing Director, Digital & Business Development, [PIAS] Entertainment Group
Noel Lee, CEO, Monster
Eric Daugan, Senior Vice President, Commercial Strategy, Warner Music International
Marc Marot, CEO, SEG – Sports Entertainment Group



Panel discussion 3
Business without barriers
Exploring what social and mobile means to business success

Moderator: Ellen Levy, Vice President Strategic Initiatives, LinkedIn
William Kennedy, Corporate Vice President, Office Communications & Mobile Experiences Team, Microsoft
Adam Warby, CEO, Avanade Inc
Loïc Le Meur, CEO Seesmic & Founder of LeWeb
Martin Chadban, Unified Communication & Cloud, Vodafone Group


Closing by moderator

17.00 – 23.00

Evening fun

Time to chill, enjoy and network with completely amazing friends from all over the world


Category: Event, Nokia

About the Author ()

Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]