

Dev updates for Nokia N9?

| February 24, 2012 | 22 Replies

I haven’t seen these myself but Antti emailed to tip that there are apparently some Dev updates for the Nokia N9.

“x11vnc, sdk-connectivity-tool, devtools-utilities, devtools-networking and developer-mode”

I’n not sure how to check, my N9 says it’s up to date but then I’m not a Dev. Perhaps it’s for N950? Have you guys seen any updates?

BTW, Official PR1.2 is expected in a few days.:

Thanks Antti for the tip!

Update: Yes it is there. Thanks for the feedback and screenshot Hakki!

To check for these updates, just run N9 in developer mode (it’s simply in settings).


Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia

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