

Rumour: PR2.0/ Nokia Carla/Nokia Belle FP1 appearing as update at end of March?

| March 8, 2012 | 27 Replies

Get your salt and spray pinches of it everywhere. This is just a rumour based on a tweet that ICEman tipped the other day. I don’t know anything about the source but ICEman was amongst a few who did correctly name when Belle would appear as an update. This is for the Nokia 603, 700 and 701.!/khotabychua/status/176985655035965440
Nokia 701, 700 and 603 to get PR2.0 on week 13 (end of March), that update was previously known as Carla

For more information on what the update brings, check out:

Cheers ICEman for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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