

Lumiappaday #195: Pirate Cat demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| May 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

 I saw Pirate Cat demoed the other day by Daniel Rubino of Pocketnow/ and he looked to be really amused by this game! It’s also free until June 1st – go head and download even if just to try.

It has a classic black and white cartoon style about it. The game play involves this pirate cat who seems to be flying shooting down birds to take their feathers. Move left and right by tilting. Attacking the bids by aiming and firing the sling shot. If you fail to catch feathers your ‘life’ bar depletes. If totally empty you will crash out of the sky. But on the way if you catch enough feathers, you can resume flight again. There may be more aspects to the game but i haven’t encountered them yet (only briefly played it for the demo)

#195) Pirate Cat 

Price:  Free



Developer Blurb:

Get the game for free before June 1st!

The captain found THE map, but it does not really lead to the expected location… Actually, it takes to the moon, and he thought that sending you there to dig up the treasure would be a great idea.

You are the Pirate Cat, and you have to reach the moon by using your brand new handmade wings, hitting birds and collecting feathers to keep flying. Try to reach the moon before the break of dawn!


Design: 8.5

Usability: 9

Performance: 9

Price: 10


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone

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