

Video: Elop and Sormunen on nokia Sustainability report

| May 29, 2012 | 75 Replies


In this video, we see Stephen Elop and Kirsi Sormunen from Nokia talk about sustainability.

Nokia CEO Stephen Elop discusses sustainability and urges you to read the latest Nokia Sustainability Report at


Our key achievements and challenges from 2011, detailed in our Sustainability Report:


  • Helping our employees affected by personnel reductions to re-employ
  • Focus on bringing Internet and information to the next billion people
  • 40 million people have experienced Nokia Life (known as Nokia Life Tools in 2011)
  • Open sourcing of Nokia Data Gathering leads to its rapid expansion
  • Making progress on the challenge of tracing the origins of raw materials
  • Making a commitment to ensure our mobile products are more accessible
  • Next generation cooperation with non-governmental organizations
  • Introducing new eco hero devices
  • Making public transportation easier to use with Nokia Public Transport
  • Adjusting to green energy availability
  • Increasing focus on supplier performance



Category: Nokia, Video

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