

Lumiappaday #200: ilomilo demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 XboxLive

| June 2, 2012 | 2 Replies

ilomilo is a fun and cute XboxLive puzzle game. The aim is to reunite ilo and milo who are put at different ends of a 3d maze of blocks. The controls are touch based – Dpad for controls and a switch button to switch between ilo and milo. Tilting the phone changes the view and you can pinch/zoom and rotate. You’ll have different instruments and actions in order to get ilo and milo together. You will come to a point where you’ll have to keep switching one and then the other in order to reunite ilo and milo.

#200) ilomilo 

Price:  £3.99



Developer Blurb:

 ilomilo is a puzzle game where the player controls two friends named ilo and milo. The two friends always seem to get separated from each other in the surrealistic and ever changing world they inhabit. ilomilo presents puzzles where the player will have to use a great deal of three dimensional thinking to succeed. The world of ilomilo is made of cubes, and ilo and milo can walk any side of the cubes, as well as move cubes around. The player controls both ilo and milo, and will have to make them cooperate to unite them.


Design: 9

Usability: 10

Performance: 10

Price: 5


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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