

Join Damian Dinning and #TeamYellow, show your Nokia support for July 11 #ZoomReinvented with TwitterBon #EOS #41MP

| June 24, 2013 | 21 Replies

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Ali and I and a jokey twitter war some weeks ago regarding the best colour for the Nokia Lumia 920, was it The Electric Pikachu #TeamYellow or #TeamRed.

Well, a lot of the Nokia related twitterverse seems to have decided :p thankfully due to the Nokia event in New York (July 11) that Nokia folks are pushing #TeamYellow! Sorry Ali :p You’ve still got Jessica (oh wait, didn’t she move to #TeamWhite :p)

Anywhoo, you might have noticed a lot of twitter folk having the Zoom 11 on their avatar. How to do this?

Damian Dinning, Nokia’s once legendary Imaging Guru explains:

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Please help support Nokia #ZoomReinvented, add a #Twibbon now! 

The link is:

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You can change it so it occupies half or less than that of your avatar.

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Can’t wait to see what Nokia’s been working on. Kudos on Damian for his continued support to Nokia’s imaging sectors!

Cheers to everyone bugging about #TeamYellow – I got confused which TeamYellow you were on about.

More background on this – from Joaoluisc:

Actually @giodelgado started the #Yellowteamcampaign based on my PS idea a couple days before that



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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