

News: Nokia N97 to appear as early as June 2nd for North American variant.

| May 18, 2009 | Reply

n97-ovi-tThe Nokia Blog reports that the NAM version of the Nokia N97 maybe coming as early as June 2nd and yes, that’s 2009! Fingers crossed that date is rock solid and also that consumers outside the states will not have to wait much longer.

The longer Nokia takes to launch the N97, the cheaper the Samsung i8910 (Omnia HD) gets and the closer both the next iPhone, Palm Pre and Sony Ericsson’s “Idou” comes as additional competition.

Does the wait have a lot to do with your choice of phone? If all four mentioned were available right now, would you still get the N97?

Via TheNokiaBlog


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Category: 5th Edition, News, Nokia, Nseries, OVI

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