

Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Sony QX-10 (‘clip on’ camera lens). 1020 and PureView > QX10

| February 4, 2014 | 3 Replies

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A very interesting accessory from Sony brings the idea of having lenses that could attach to your smartphone wirelessly.

Whilst this is noticeably much thicker than 1020 and all other smartphones, this is due to the optical zoom rather than having a bigger sensor. There’s also no flash. The phone becomes a glorified viewfinder.

Steve Litchfield at AAWP gives the Sony QX-10 a spin against the Nokia Lumia 1020.

Up to 30 seconds on the Sony to take a photo. 14 seconds at the quickest. 6 additional seconds to save. Feels clumsy with problematic focussing.

With the QX-10, you don’t actually have to clip it on to the phone. You could just hold it on it’s own like a separate camera.

The findings are that where it matters in photo quality, the PureView 1020 wins. In ease of use, the 1020 also wins.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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