

Xbox Music Team brings more updates to Windows Phone -Updates less frequent as team shifts to Windows 10

| December 2, 2014 | 1 Reply

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 16.40.56Xbox Music team shared a host of changes as of yesterday for their WP app v2.6.414.0. According to the blogpost, their updates will be less frequent as the team shifts focus into bringing changes to the Windows 10 app. But they will continue to update WP8.1 with one update a month to be expected.

  • Thirteen of our top unexpected app exits (e.g. playback during sync, changing filter with selected songs)
  • Album and artist art issues:
    • Some local tracks not showing album art in Now Playing
    • Album art flashing while shuffling large collections
    • Background artist art flashing
    • Inconsistent display of album art when offline
    • Local or sideloaded albums not showing album art in Recent Plays
  • Content sync interruptions causing all future syncs to fail
  • Deleted songs don’t always get removed from your collection
  • Unable to playback albums in certain circumstances
  • Inconsistent sorting of songs that start with an article (e.g. “A”)

Source: XboxMusic

Via: Reddit


Category: Lumia, Windows Phone

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