
Category: Photos

Windows Phone Mango Review, Starring the Lumia 800

Windows Phone Mango Review, Starring the Lumia 800

| January 15, 2012 | 64 Replies

Advertisements The amazing people at Nokia Connects were nice enough to send me a Lumia 800 to trial out for a while, so first off a shout out them for making this possible, they have some truly wonderful people working for them. Now a bit about the extent of my relationship with OSes other than […]

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TechRadar Crowns N8 As Camera Again

TechRadar Crowns N8 As Camera Again

| January 15, 2012 | 52 Replies

-After All this time? ….. “Always.” It’s been over a year since the N8 was released, and yet according to techradar it’s still the king of cameraphones. The people at Techradar pitted the N8 against the Samsung Galaxy 2, the iPhone4S, HTC  Evo 3D, Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc and the Motorola XT720; in a series of complicated and thorough tests of […]

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N9 vs. N8 – Night Photo Comparison

N9 vs. N8 – Night Photo Comparison

| October 16, 2011 | 32 Replies

We have seen a lot of photo comparisons between the current king of camera-phones, the N8, and Nokia’s latest smartphone, the “beautifully simple” N9. The undisputed champion is still the N8. However, these comparisons have only been taken during the day. I decided that some night-time comparisons were in order. Below I have comparisons of […]

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Press shots of Nokia 700/Zeta leaked (and tiny rant) #Symbian Belle

Press shots of Nokia 700/Zeta leaked (and tiny rant) #Symbian Belle

| July 5, 2011 | 77 Replies

      Snap, what do we have hear then, it looks like Elop might be a master in leaking a device on purpose but he sure isnt one in keeping a device  under wraps. What we have here is the first ina group of devices that will run the next version of Symbian called […]

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Leaked image of Nokia branded MeeGo device ???

Leaked image of Nokia branded MeeGo device ???

| January 23, 2011 | 116 Replies

Oh look what we have here; at closer inspection you should see a Nokia device running a stock version (I think) of MeeGo by the looks of it. Now we can rule out that it is the Nokia N900 because in this picture the bezel of the device is very thin which is actually rather […]

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New Multitasking UI for Symbian 3 leaked ???

New Multitasking UI for Symbian 3 leaked ???

| January 21, 2011 | 29 Replies

At first glance you might be looking at a pretty picture of these beatiful looking Nokia E7 with Qt quick demo apps, but after closer inspection the silver E7 in the left might be sporting a new UI for multitasking, now remember the E7 runs Symbian 3 and multitasking is definitely not like it is […]

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N8 dummies at Vodafone

N8 dummies at Vodafone

| October 8, 2010 | 181 Replies

While I was strolling though the city centre I spotted that Vodafone had N8 dummies with a coming soon label next to them in store and had to have a quick look and DAMM the devices feel AMAZING and they are only DUMMIES !!!! I wonder how the real devices must feel, I cannot wait […]

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Nokia N8: So advanced its not available yet

Nokia N8: So advanced its not available yet

| October 7, 2010 | Reply

This morning on the way to Uni I was flipping through the Metro and found this Tesco ad about the N8 and just had to chuckle and share this with you all 😀 The Nokia N8 so advanced its not even out yet !!!! 😀 BTW the price isn’t bad either £25 per month although […]

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Nokia N8 excitement and lines around the world

Nokia N8 excitement and lines around the world

| October 1, 2010 | 47 Replies

No your are not looking at another iPad line this is the lines of people from around the world hoping to pick up the new Nokia N8 pretty impressive I say for a company that allegedly cannot compete with the guys over at cupertino……

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