
Category: S60

Video: Ovi Games – Sonic Jump, Tropical Towers and Zuma's Revenge demoed on the Nokia N8

Video: Ovi Games – Sonic Jump, Tropical Towers and Zuma's Revenge demoed on the Nokia N8

| November 18, 2010 | 9 Replies

Advertisements I think these games are S60 5th Edition unless they’ve been updated for Symbian^3 – either way both users will be able to download these apps from the Ovi Store. Sonic Jump Can’t seem to find it on Ovi Store but it was there. [youtube=]   Tropical Towers Save the monkeys! Only you can […]

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Videos: Symbian^1 versus Symbian^3 – what has changed?

Videos: Symbian^1 versus Symbian^3 – what has changed?

| November 15, 2010 | 23 Replies

“Everybody says, that Symbian^3 hasn’t changed, but look for yourself!” I’m surprised no such detailed comparison has been done. Actually planned to do it myself this weekend but caught up on coursework (which I’m half doing as I write this). But jenjaman has done an excellent job and split it into a four round match […]

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Nokia taking Symbian development back in house, Foundation remains to control licensing and patents

Nokia taking Symbian development back in house, Foundation remains to control licensing and patents

| November 8, 2010 | Reply

  As mentioned before in the press release Jay posted, and has been rumored in the blogosphere for quite a while, it seems that Nokia and the Symbian board have taken a decisive step towards improving the Symbian OS, speeding up time to market, improving developer and OEM relations and at the same time cut […]

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Symbian web browser sluggish??  Javascript to blame

Symbian web browser sluggish?? Javascript to blame

| October 20, 2010 | 49 Replies

  While this is by no means an empirical test, I’ve seen mention in a number of places on the web that the main reason for the dismal performance of the Symbian Web browser is the lack of adequate CPU power, I can categorically say that this is a false assumption. I’m currently using a […]

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The Nokia E7 is no small business. Find out why…

The Nokia E7 is no small business. Find out why…

| September 22, 2010 | 24 Replies

Since it’s announcement during the recent Nokia World event, the E7 has gotten quite a lot of attention. And for a good reason. It was passionately dubbed by Annsi Vanjoki as the direct continuation of the Nokia’s ‘communicator’ legacy, and thus, has quite some shoes to fill. But before we move head first into the […]

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Tabula Crypticum

Tabula Crypticum

| September 14, 2010 | 14 Replies

The following blog post was dropped into our comments section not long ago and having read it from end to end, I can sincerely empathize with the author and agree almost whole-heartedly with his views. I think the key takeaway from this article is that Nokia has an image problem and seems not to realize […]

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Swype for Symbian^1

Swype for Symbian^1

| September 2, 2010 | 19 Replies

The guys at Nokia Beta labs, responsible for the awesome “Nokia Bots” and ”Nokia Conversations” widgets and the “Photo Browser” application currently available in the Ovi Store have released a beta version of the text input program “Swype”. The Swype apps is available at the following link. Swype aims to significantly speed up text entry […]

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Near-final N8 firmware run through

Near-final N8 firmware run through

| August 27, 2010 | Reply

With rumors circling the internet that the final, release version of the N8 firmware is scheduled to be finished by next week (crosses fingers) The latest video that I found on the site, should hopefully give a pretty clear insight into the sort of performance and applications (read: games) we can expect to see when […]

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C7 preview

C7 preview

| August 26, 2010 | Reply

The all knowing Eldar has posted another preview of a Nokia device, this time the S^3 powered C7. As is customary he speaks little to the functionality and more to the flashiness of the interface, once again stamping on it’s lack of novelty or spice. His conclusion? “Those who are accustomed to Symbian and know […]

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