
Tag: MicroB

Video: Nokia N900 vs Motorola Droid vs Nokia N97 mini – Browser War.

Video: Nokia N900 vs Motorola Droid vs Nokia N97 mini – Browser War.

| April 24, 2010 | Reply

Advertisements cellfanatic takes a look at the browsing capabilities of the Android powered Motorola Droid, Symbian fuelled Nokia N97 mini and Maemo 5 super awesomeness that is the Nokia N900. 😛 N97 mini looks strikingly beautiful here. Anyways. Nick compares features such as: screen size screen resolution screen type  (just a note, N900 does have […]

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Video: Flash Earth on the N900 – Flash version of Google Earth – All in the N900's browser.

Video: Flash Earth on the N900 – Flash version of Google Earth – All in the N900's browser.

| February 22, 2010 | 27 Replies

The N900 has a very powerful, flash capable web browser that delivers desktop like web browsing on a Smartphone. It’s just great to know that with the N900, sites you’ve been visiting on your desktop computer will work pretty well too on the N900. With certain websites, they work so well, you don’t really need […]

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