

Nokia N97 Official Demo Site; N97 available for Pre-Order!

| May 4, 2009 | 0 Comments

Here’s the official Nokia N97 demo site. Note though flash heavy. n97

Worth noting are:

  • two official colour availabilities: White & Transition Black


    "Transition Black" just looks so much nicer than the white.

  • Nokia N97 is available for preorder in Germany, Italy, Sweden and USApreorderFrom the official Nseries Blog:N97 Pre-Order Members Club

    “Pre-ordering will guarantee you are one of the first to receive the new N97. It will be shipped direct to your door from the production line so you’ll have it the same day it hits the stores in your country.”

  • Win an N97

“Nokia N97 Membership club is now open. Stay tuned on latest news on N97, see the exciting competitions we have and have a chance to win your very own N97.”

And here’s the email you’ll get:

You’re now part of a global community with an insider’s knowledge of all there is to know about the Nokia N97, the flagship in Nokia Nseries range and most powerful personal internet device. With the Nokia N97 you can customize your widgets and live feeds, bookmark your favorite sites and social networking pages and personalize your internet with the power of your finger-tips.

Your Nokia N97 membership gives you exclusive access to the latest news and views on the new device and a host of fantastic freebies. You can even win a brand spanking new Nokia N97 device. Just stay right where you are and receive all of the latest Nokia N97 news and updates straight to your inbox.

We’ll be in touch again soon with more exclusive news. Watch your email inbox…


Nokia Via AAS


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Category: 5th Edition, Competition, Nokia, Nseries, Promotion, S60

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