Freeware: 7 free (flash) apps/games for your Nokia N97 – Stopwatch & Countdown/Pacman/Kitty Cannon/Helicopter Game /Spank The Monkey/Touch Type/Hardest Game in the World
Here are some popular online flash files for your N97/5800/5530- basically most S60-flash capable devices, although some will only work with Touch/keyboard/D-Pad (though an onscreen D-pad is available). All app menus are accessible via touch
It’s advisable to set flash quality to “low” for increased frame rate on the games and then set to full screen (open keyboard up in N97)
1. Stopwatch
The online stopwatch is my favourite stopwatch app. It’s simple and has a countdown with alarm too.
Input: Touch

2. Pacman
The classic game – complete with iconic sound effects such as the timeless “wakka wakka wakka” 🙂
Input: D-Pad
3. Kitty Cannon
[Kitten Cannon] Aim the cannon and launch the cat. Try to get the furthest distance by hitting bombs, explosives and trampolines. Avoid sharp spikes and cat-eating-plants. Good animation and good sound effects.
Warning: Contains cartoon violence to cats.
Input: D-Pad (or virtual D-Pad) – Spacebar to fire/continue
4. Touch Type
You will need a keyboard for this. You can either create your own text or select a pre-generated text from 15 different lesson sets. Type as fast and as accurately as you can. Get a key wrong and you won’t progress until you’ve pressed the correct one a hand appears suggesting what digit you should use but of course, not applicable on thumbboards.
Input: Keyboard
5. Helicopter Game
Another classic game. Navigate the helicopter by holding down on controls – has the chopper sounds.
Input: Touch.
6. Spank the Monkey
Drag the hand around and flick from right to left, making sure you let go of the hand to Spank the Monkey. The faster the better. Surprisingly fluid, with sound effects/music. Go beyond 200MPH and you get a little song to celebrate.
Input: Touch
7. The Hardest Game in the world.
A series of puzzles where you must move the red ball from one location to predefined positions.
Input: D-Pad or on screen D-Pad
Category: 3rd edition, 5th Edition, Applications, Nokia, Nseries, S60, Symbian
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