

HTML EMAIL finally on your Nokia with Nokia Messaging (shown on Nokia N97)

| September 5, 2009 | 0 Comments

We’ve been waiting for HTML support for so long, and it’s finally arrived! Normally, my Nokia Messaging inbox can only view BORING plain text only email.

Now check it out. Probably not the best example, but as you can see there’s formatting and images. Note: Compare it with original GMAIL view to see that images are being displayed.



This is the same email, viewed in GMAIL but with the images blocked.


It wasn’t available from the Software Update app in the N97.

To download it go to in your phone’s browser and install. It’ll say 10.01(13) but it will install Next, it’ll ask you to restart. Once that’s done, all future emails you receive in your Nokia Messaging inbox will have HTML support. 🙂


Other updates:

  • Touch scrolling still does not have kinetic scrolling but responsiveness has improved somewhat.


  • [see above] When you have the option to send a file, instead of just “Via e-mail” you get an additional “Via Nokia Messaging Email”. Before the update, this meant that if you had Nokia messaging but also set up a mailbox (via same messaging app as your sms), send “Via e-mail” would only send via the defined mailbox and not via Nokia messaging. Now you have the option to send either via Nokia Messaging or another predefined mailbox.

More reason to love Nokia Messaging. I love how it always gets my emails about 30 seconds faster than gmail on my desktop. It’s a really good email notifier – once I hear that “ding” and I’m browsing in FireFox, I just instinctively check gmail.

On the go, Nokia Messaging been invaluable to me. As well as Gravity, Facebook app and Nimbuzz – Nokia messaging is lessening my use of their desktop counterparts. It’s just more convenient to interact on the go using my N97 than having to get back to a computer (if I’m not at home or directly in front of a pc already). (If only I could configure my university email on it)

But even when a computer is at arms length, I’m finding that I always just turn to my N97 instead.

Now with improved HTML support, I don’t have to get to a computer to read the original email so that I could see the parts that would have been missed out in Text only format.

Via @OviApplications


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Category: 3rd edition, 5th Edition, Applications, Freeware

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