'Secret' Nokia Event: Something BIG is brewing in London – Good Things? The Nokia Signpost?
On Monday I got an email from WOMWorld inviting me to a “top secret” event happening in London and it’s supposedly taking place around 22nd/23rd October.

"Something's Cooking In Downtown London"Â This link was in the email
[link – wordpress in chrome sucks]
I wanted to wait until I knew more about what was happening, but even after the phone call from WOMWorld’s Katie this afternoon – WOM kept the lid shut on what exactly is happening.
My initial speculation was something N900 related, like the onedotzero event in London. It’s not that.
My next speculation is that it had something to do with the N97 Mini which is being launched on the 23rd of October.
However, it might not even be about a device but about a service.
According to the first email, there’ll be an “exclusive behind the scenes at what Nokia is up to” in addition to spending time at the event. Something interesting is that “everything is under the radar” and that they want to help me get to the “good things“.
Good Things

As you may be aware, “Good Things” is Nokia’s new feature in Ovi Maps whereby you can share landmarks/destinations, e.g. that really good mexican restaurant you went to, or a brilliant local gift shop. Nokia even wants you to put up sightings of famous people on there. You’ll can also see what other people have shared. (I don’t know if I like the name “good things”)
Check it out: maps.ovi.com/goodthings#
“Good things” I a bit like saving favourite places in Ovi Maps. Only, your favourite places can be shared with people around the globe. I used to have a lot of destinations saved from previous Nseries (until I transfered to the N97 and lost it from a hard reset 🙁 , )
- new destinations like my friends’ new addresses (I’m hopeless with remembering directions) or a particularly nice area (like with a statue or some interesting architecture)
- restaurants/cafe’s
- speciality shops I encountered on a random stroll
- Some Uni buildings that I never even knew existed but had to get to
- Hospitals
- Take aways
- Train Stations that were new to me
- Parking locations
- etc
Finding somewhere good to go in Ovi Maps is easy if you’ve got an intended destination. With “Good things” you can check out other people’s recommendations on where to go, places you may not have gone to even if you did a category search, e.g. pub (I wish Ovi Maps could match google maps’ search. I often “search” for a location in google maps then navigate with Ovi Maps).
- Sign in
- Right click on the map to add your “good thing”
- Add the name, category, possibly confirm the address of the place
- the location is processed (it told me, 24 hours – that’s much too slow) and available for everyone else to view.
- Would be nice to be able to add photos (especially since Nokia Maps “satellite” view is pants. Though – didn’t Nokia launch a satellite to space to sort this out today :D)
- Mentioned by Kensai, “timed” good things – brilliant for checking out what’s happening right here, right now. You can see where an event is happening, and if an event is happening for a period of time, the good thing will stay there for the duration of that event.
- Maybe like beta labs “life casting” have a filter to view some sort of “visual mapped twitter” to see where people are with what they’re doing.
Anyway, back to figuring out the event…
The Nokia Sign Posts
Before logging in to your Ovi Account in Ovi Maps, you’ll notice this on the side (it disappears after logging in):
What are these big signs? Are they some augmented reality sign that appears above your destination? No not in this case,
What’s the story behind “the world’s biggest signpost”?
During the campaign, we’ll be erecting giant cranes for you to glorify your Good Things to the world.
You can follow the story and find out more on our giant signpost feeds and blog:
GIANT CRANES?!?! HAHA! Imagine seeing a giant crane with a sign post over your favourite pub?! AWESOMENESS!
Anyway, following the links leads you to this page. Some event happening on the 23rd October (ignore the Cardiff thing, that’s my location – though the dot is wrong).
- Note also the Nokia N97 Mini which comes with Walk Navigation and City Explorer. I think this is what I’m going to.
- The behind the scenes thing is there and links to the same page the email did.
Is this the secret event? Hehe, I like that it’s so secret, it has its own full page spread on the Nokia site. (could have been a recent page, although the world’s biggest signpost thing has been there at least since 30th September)
Back to the first picture
“It’s going to be big, bright, it’s going to move, you can control it with your mobile/computer, there’s a great spot for lunch under it, you can use it to find other great spots for lunch”
= the big tall crane with the sign post over a location where there’ll be lunch. The “good things” service can be used to find other great spots for lunch, and you can control it with your phone and pc (I’m guessing we’re not going to be controlling the actual crane itself with the phone – though that would be cool!)
If this is the secret event, I’m guessing the uncovering was an intentional part of the campaign?
Maybe this isn’t the secret…
Category: 5th Edition, Event, Nokia, Nseries, S60
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