Event: Nokia Signpost London – Good Things attendees

This is obviously me there with my Lion. Haha. It's actually one of the statues at Victoria Memorial, London
Here are a selection of photos of the attendees on last week’s Good Things event in London, courtesy of WOMWorld.
There’s a gallery at the bottom as wordpress might break if I try to insert all the photos individually.
The gallery consists mostly of four destinations:
- first the boat that was privately hired to cruise the Thames, have some drinks and dinner
- Cityhall for the press launch of Good Things with Alexandra Burke and the Press Machine
- Site of the Ovi Good things arrow – the main reason for the entire event
- Ends with a trip to the Nokia Flagship Store and a photoshoot with the Nokia CityMan Antitheft.
If I get the chance, I’ll edit up the videos taken during the event too.
The event was fantastic; what WOM and Nokia planned out was brilliant. But best of all, it was an absolute blast to meet these guys.
- On the boat – final destination of the Good Things Hunt! Left to right: Jon, Michael, Roman Taimas, Katie, Jay, Christian, Ibrahim, Varun, Jerome, Lydia, Glenn and Dominic. I’d like to say Tom was taking the photo but he was actually downstairs (only realised when he came up after everyone disbanded) – this was held by the Gorillapod, wrapped around that silver pole.

Sexy safety gear at the site of the Good Things Signpost arrow, London. From left to right, Tom, Jerome, Varun, Christian, Roman, Michael, Jon, Taimas, Lydia, Safety guy, Ibhrahim and Dominic in foreground
The attendees
[Below] Glenn – Gisuser.com @gletham
Michael – Symbian-Freak.com/Michael Hell’s Blog @xmichaelsfx
Ibrahim – TheNokiaReview.com @thenokiareview
Christian – WorldofNokia.co.uk @chaslam500
Taimas – DailyMobile.se @dailymobile
Jon Choo – jonchoo.blogspot.com @jonchoo
Varun – FoneArena.com @fonearena
Jerome – mapperz.blogspot.com @mapperz
Roman – S60inside.wordpress.com @s60inside
Moi – oh and X-factor 08 winner, Alexandra Burke! lol. Michael and Dominic in background!
The WOM/1000heads Crew:
Below should be a photo gallery of the the attendees at the OviGoodThings event.
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