

What on earth is happening Tomorrow on Thursday, 21st January 2010?! What's Nokia/Ovi got cooking?

| January 20, 2010 | 0 Comments

As you may have undoubtedly heard, Nokia’s got something going on with Ovi on Thursday, 21st January 2010, 09:45am GMT.

Events are being held in London, as well as NY, Moscow, Paris, Mexico City and Berlin with an invite looking like the one below:

If you head over to you’ll see a clock ticking down, and a whole list of people (bloggers it seems). Ha, even I’m on there (way, way, way, way back :p). It seems to be someone’s Twitter Follow list.

What happens when it reaches ZERO?

Is it about the new revamped Ovi Store? Something about services? A new one? A product launch, news in advance of Nokia’s big event that coincides with MWC? Nokia Android? Nokia buys Palm? Nokia starts their own network so they can bring out devices that aren’t crapped on by the networks? Let’s bring out some more dead rumours, and speculations. ^_^

This is gaining slightly too much hype that anything other than a really amazing announcement will be disappointing.

Nokia buying Skype / Twitter?

If anyone knows anything it should be Eldar, but he seems to be keeping his lips sealed. Interestingly he jokes about the possibility of a big buyout…Skype…Twitter even. Eldar does say that only limited amount of people actually know about it and that it could change the company in a positive way (at least that’s how google translates it)

Eldar also writes, “A couple of weeks ago in the New York Times article appeared on the Nokia, which said that the company will soon be able to make a full turn and surprise of all, be once again the undisputed leader.”

I’ve been hoping that 2010 will be the year of the Nokia :)…could this announcement be what Nokia fans have been waiting for?


Seems every Thursday in 2010 is bringing something Nokia related, and I’m away from a home/uni/computer to blog about it (Having N900 with wordpress helps a little:p).

On the 7th was the WOMWorld/Nokia Meet (ha, and N900 cake :p), on the 14th was the big(ger) N900 firmware update (plus that eLearning event with WOM)…Now on the 21st, something properly HUGE seems to be coming (and I’ve got an all day interview :D)


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Category: Event, Nokia

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]