

Video: Sony Ericsson Satio Vs Nokia N900 [Symbian Vs Maemo?]

| February 8, 2010 | 5 Replies

YouTube user SpecialVideosHD has got the SE’s Satio and puts it against Nokia’s N900. Essentially, this is Symbian Vs Maemo for the OS part.

  • N900 is wider, thicker. Satio is taller, slimmer.
  • Whilst both having 3.5″ screens, the N900 in terms of area is bigger due to the ratio
  • N900’s screen has much higher resolution (800×480 VS 640×360) – makes a huge difference when framing photos, watching videos and of course, browsing the web.
  • In Browser test, the very best Symbian phone is NO competition to the N900. Over a wide array of LARGER pages, N900 will load faster, multiple pages, but best of all most accurately – near, raw desktop compatibility. I cannot stress how much of a leap forward the Mozilla based browser is on the N900 compared to what’s on Symbian handsets right now (to an extent, most other browsers on other platforms in terms of accurate rendering of pages).
  • In Camera test, we’ve got to give it to the Satio. But ignore the video when it says it’s because it has more MP. Having said that, the 12MP is actually pretty decent, plus you’ve got that Xenon flash for improved photo illumination (Please let Harmattan/Maemo 6 phone have xenon!!!!!).
  • Very subjective, but I much prefer Satio’s odd looking lens cover and the fact it has a dedicated button for pictures/video switching.
  • In Video, the N900 is somewhat superior (though some have experienced stuttering/frame drop – could be fixed in future firmware). Overall, N900 higher resolution and MUCH better audio, Satio possibly producing smoother video.
  • N900 multitasks better. What other smartphone multitasks better than the N900?
  • N900 much faster
  • N900 has a physical QWERTY keyboard


Pls, pls, pls let Maemo 6 have xenon flash? Or if the N82’s real successor will still have Symbian, please let us have a browser that’s as brilliantly functional as the Maemo 5 Mozilla Based MicroB.

There’s so many times when instead of taking my laptop from my room and lugging it down to the living room [to research some pages on the net for some notes], the N900 takes its place perfectly.


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Category: Maemo, Nokia, S60, Symbian, Video

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