

Video: MeeGo Walkthrough – another look at the snappy and beautiful MeeGo tablet UI.

| June 2, 2010 | 1 Reply

We saw a snippet of the gorgeous MeeGo Tablet UI yesterday and now minipcpro has a video showing a walkthrough of MeeGo.

For those looking at Symbian^3 and loosing hope in Nokia (as “it’s so similar to s60 5th yatta, yatta yatta”), keep up your faith as MeeGo (well, S^4 too) is Nokia’s path to high end salvation and continued world dominance in the mobile arena.

All we’ve been waiting for is for a modern, fast, eye candy filled UI on a powerful OS. We have one answer in MeeGo.

Combine that with Nokia’s expertise in hardware and potentially huge Qt app ecosystem (especially with the huge backing of several industry leaders) and Nokia’s host of services, Q4 2010 and 2011 looks to be when the big ship finally turns things around.

For me, the future is MeeGo.


Four MeeGo devices on stage.

You can see again, it’s very fast, very smooth and the panel mode looks stunning. A sort of super-homescreen. “What’s unique about MeeGo it’s rich and dynamic user interface”

In the “simple” menu mode, you’ll also notice a multitasker integrated into app menu view.

As seen yesterday, MeeGo has multitouch, pinch zoom/rotate with 5 finger recognition.

The MeeGo AppStore – there’s no united front here it seems (i.e. with Ovi Store). There’s AppUP and a few others it seems?

I hope there’s at least one unified MeeGo Market where all devices can access apps.

via minipcpro


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Video

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