

Gallery: Stunning 9MP 16:9 Shots by the Nokia N8 (FULL 4000X2248) Goodbye point and shoot cam.

| July 7, 2010 | 33 Replies

In response to the Nokia N8 sample gallery where the photos were severely converted destroying the quality of the photos (I was just interested in the pretty pictures ^_^) here are some full 9MP images at 4000×2248 (16:9 widescreen), and stunning too, taken and uploaded to flickr by cliboub from SymbianFrance. Please note, this is still on Proto/Pre-Production firmware.

For some 12mp (4:3)  samples click here. Note, 16:9 photos are partially reduced to 9MP. (I prefer this ratio; looks better when viewing on the phone and on PC/TV. I set N900 to 3.5mp for this same reason).

Now imagine what photos would look like with final firmware in the sunniest of days 😮


Delicious? Seriously golden chips aka fries outside UK 😛


cliboub VIA SymbianFrance


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian

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