Gallery: Stunning 9MP 16:9 Shots by the Nokia N8 (FULL 4000X2248) Goodbye point and shoot cam.
In response to the Nokia N8 sample gallery where the photos were severely converted destroying the quality of the photos (I was just interested in the pretty pictures ^_^) here are some full 9MP images at 4000×2248 (16:9 widescreen), and stunning too, taken and uploaded to flickr by cliboub from SymbianFrance. Please note, this is still on Proto/Pre-Production firmware.
For some 12mp (4:3)Â samples click here. Note, 16:9 photos are partially reduced to 9MP. (I prefer this ratio; looks better when viewing on the phone and on PC/TV. I set N900 to 3.5mp for this same reason).
Now imagine what photos would look like with final firmware in the sunniest of days 😮
Delicious? Seriously golden chips aka fries outside UK 😛
cliboub VIA SymbianFrance
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