

Pics: Aava Mobile's Moorsetown MeeGo Phone (and Android)

| July 7, 2010 | Reply

We’ve seen this Finnish phone before running Moblin and a Qt Interface to demo a possible MeeGo UI (or at least a reference design).  We saw it most recently demonstrating the new MeeGo handset UX on video. Chippy, aka Steve Paine of CarryPad has it for the next 48 hours!

This is Aava Mobile (also Finnish, but not Nokia), a phone on Intel’s X86 chip (Moorsetown). It’s not the first Moorsetown phone, that goes to the cancelled LG W990. (Note, Aava’s site only mentions Android for some reason)

Nokia’s first MeeGo Phone will be using, like the majority of smartphones currently, an ARM based processor. Future MeeGo Phones from Nokia may have Intel chips in future but until Nokia are satisfied with performance/battery life/size they’ll be sticking with ARM.

Visual Multitasker.

CarryPad via engadget.

Here’s Android on it


this explains why in the MeeGo demo it had android like buttons – as it seemed designed for Android.


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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